Roller Painting with Super Tempera Paint - Free PDF Worksheet Download
Try making your own colourful Wrapping Paper.
LEVEL: Pre-school and Early Primary
Roller Painting provides the opportunity for expressive activities through the use of paint rollers. Children can create designs in a quick, colourful, and easy way. It is also a great way to introduce children to textured materials.
Roller painting is also ideal for making your own wrapping paper for Mother's Day or Father's Day.
You will need:
: Tempera poster paint. Not too many colours 1-3 is fine. Super Tempera, Total Wash and Powder Paint
: Small foam rollers are better. Kids' sizes are available.
: Paint in shallow paint trays – need to be able to roll the roller in these.
: Paper A3 is an ideal size.
: Apron, a cover sheet, newspapers, and paper towels for clean-up.
Let’s get started:
Prepare the work area with coversheets and put on the aprons. A flat surface is better than an easel.
Try to have a clean roller for each colour. Also, try to have the children return the rollers to the correct colours. You will end up with cleaner colours to your artwork.
Pour paint into the trays—one colour per tray.
Dip the roller into the tempera paint and spread the paint in a rolling movement.
Try a range of techniques like stripes, waves and curves. Dabbing, circles and outer frames are also fun.
Try to find any other way you can use the rollers. The key is to have fun mixing colours and making shapes.
Add glitter for special effects to the wet paint.
You can roll a blue sky and green grass and return later to paint people or a house.
Sometimes, it is a good idea to have a sheet of blank paper for starting off the rollers. This makes sure the complete roller surface is covered in colour.
It is much more effective if you keep it simple with just a few colours.
Share and enjoy.
Tony Parker